Man’s Real “Free Choice” in this World – In Two Words

    How can man possibly make the wrong choice? How does free will work?

    Actors Think They Can Write a Better Script

    In our blessing 'Shehakol' we declare Everything comes from Him. Let's remember that when we have doubts.

    My Therapist

    No appointment necessary.

    The Story of Sharon Nachshoni – A Clinical Death

    Countless numbers of people who have heard the story find that it ignites in them a spark about the meaning…

    Eliezer Auerbach: Ilanga Lafisha – Official Music Video

    This song has achieved great acclaim worldwide. The lyrics are taken from Ethics of Our Fathers and translated into Zulu.…

    Chanukah = Finding Your Match!

    Chanukah is an auspicious time to merit your match. See how!

    Are Miracles Real?

    Or are they just lucky?

    Watch: The Music of La La Land by The A Team Orchestra

    Ce médicament est contre-indiqué dans les situations suivantes : – Hypersensibilité à la substance active ou à l’un des excipients.…

    Gallery: Ideas for Decorating your Table with Floating Candles

    Planning on having important guests and you feel your table looks too plain? Here's a variety of ideas for designing…

    Proof of Prophecy: The First Temple

    How can one prove the truth of a prophecy? Rav Zamir sets out in his "Journey to the Truth" the…
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