Women to Know : Gina Goldstein – Chief Rebbetzin of her country

    We never divided our talents, we pooled our talents together

    The Preservation of Personal Abundance – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Even though the ultimate purpose of the mitzvot is to allow man to prosper in the life of eternity, they…

    Where Does Addictive Thinking Come From?

    Low Self esteem (ususally from emotional abuse) is usually the culprit

    The Hedge of Roses

    Marriage requires periods of separation in order to give vitality and renewal to the marital bond

    Cinnamon Muffins

    A yummy and really fast recipe that will get alot of mileage in your home

    Women to Know: Rochel Lev – Living in The Land of Israel

    In Eretz Yisrael you are not aware at all of the goyishe culture

    “I asked God: I take care of your children please take care of mine.”

    With 9 children of her own, 2 more adopted and many more that came through her doors this prayer is…

    Wonders of Creation: The Biggest Parrot on Earth

    The blue Hyacinth Macaw is a large and beautiful parrot species native to South America. It’s the largest parrot in…

    Teachings of Rav Levi Yitzchak Derbarmdigger, the Berditchever Rav

    Also known as the “Sanigoran shel Yisrael” (Defender of Israel), a disciple of Rav Shmelke of Nikolsberg and the Maggid…

    Man’s Real “Free Choice” in this World – In Two Words

    How can man possibly make the wrong choice? How does free will work?
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