It’s All From Above

    True faith in G-d requires one to firmly believe that everything that happens is Straight from Above

    Free Will and The Unreal Self: The Problem of Ego

    The ego objects to being commanded; it seeks total independence. It far prefers giving orders to taking them.

    Laws of Shabbat: Grinding – Cutting Food on Shabbat

    How may one cut his fruits and vegetables on Shabbos? Is the cutting of meat, fish and cheese included in…

    “I Left Being a Successful Opera Singer and Didn’t Look Back!”

    Coming back to Judaism in essence allows me to enjoy music and singing so much more than previously possible

    10 Proofs That G-d Loves You Despite Giving You Tribulations

    "If there is a good and loving G-d, then why is there suffering in the world?" Some have used this…

    Yitzchak Avinu – The Middle Stage

    Why does the Torah record so few events in Yitzchak’s life?

    Vayeishev: Living With Peace of Mind

    What is it like to have the peace of mind that Yosef Hatzaddik had, the peace of mind that Tamar…

    Aleppo Empty of Jews: the Last Two Jewish Women Rescued and Brought to Israel

    In a secret operation, the last two Jewish women living in Aleppo were smuggled to Israel between bombs and sniper…

    You Mean I Can Have a Mikvah in My House and Pay for it in Installments?

    Now purity is more accessible than ever before

    How to Detect a Stroke and Minimize its Damage

    You can save someone’s life with some basic knowledge
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