Candle-Lighting Times: August 17, 2018 – Parshat Shoftim

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 17, 2018 - Parshat Shoftim

    There are no Shortcuts – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    In order to achieve one's goals, one must have patience and build a comprehensive plan rather than try and attain…

    Gallery: One-of-a-Kind Photos of Glowing Flowers

    American photographer Craig Burrows captures minuscule details of flowers that the human eye cannot detect. “There is no artist like…

    The Secret Language

    If we come into a marriage expecting to find that we are both speaking different languages, with different definitions for…

    Pregnant Again, What’s the Next Step?

    I was sure I wanted an abortion

    Translator of R. Zamir Cohen’s books in Russian: “His Classes Lifted My Heart”

    Paulina Ovis is a very busy woman: When not with her children and grandchildren, she devotes her time and skills…

    Juiciest Ever Chicken Burgers (PLUS Chunky Tomato Guacamole)

    Your body won’t have any regret if you make ‘em and neither will your taste buds!

    Wonders of Creation: Really Cute Baby Chameleons

    Have you ever wondered what chameleons look like when they're just born? Must see

    20 Weeks is Too Early for This, You Should Terminate the Pregnancy

    Parents in the UK fight for their unborn child's life and are vindicated with a healthy sweet little boy

    The Torah’s familiarity with EVERY animal in the world

    The Torah reveals one of the secrets of nature. Among the thousands of species of domesti-cated and wild animals in…
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